The Coaches Group Chat

S2E7: All-American Dream Teams, High School Rule Shake-Ups, and Summer Schedule

Matthew Houlihan, Arielle Houlihan, Chad Gordon Season 2 Episode 7

We are putting the AMERICA into our All-American team while discussing the scarcity of top-tier American rosters in college volleyball today. We highlighted key American players, examined high school volleyball rule changes, and ultimately celebrated the importance of recognizing homegrown talent in the sport. 

• Crafting an all-American team of volleyball players 
• The significance of celebrating American players in international-dominated NCAA 
• Recent high school volleyball rule adjustments 
• Excitement surrounding local competitions and events 
• Plans for an upcoming All-Star game to honor local talent

Speaker 1:

Who's the top American team If you look at full roster?

Speaker 2:

okay, Full roster, full roster Of Americans. You have to eliminate all of the international kids.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly, you have to replace the international player.

Speaker 2:

Who wins?

Speaker 1:

With an American. Which team has the best American roster? Welcome to week six. Huge, this could be week six. It could be week six. Huge, this could be week six. It could be week seven. Tbd, who knows? You got to release them.

Speaker 2:

We got a lost episode from season one that we were sitting on.

Speaker 1:

We got a few of those. Yeah, Just sitting in the hopper Well this is a very important episode because we're talking. We are all American.

Speaker 2:

This week it's all about the americans okay, so we came up with a hysterical. We had a hysterical conversation at the stanford game a couple weeks ago and uh about we? How we should make an all-american team but you have to be american.

Speaker 1:

but you have to be American, all American.

Speaker 2:

And then we were like, wait, what of the top 10? Like, how many teams are actually like only from the United States?

Speaker 3:

None, very, very few Stanford is. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's it.

Speaker 3:

When I heard you ask this question before I heard top five and I was like no, oh not in the top five no chance.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we're going to make our all.

Speaker 1:

Americans. There's an international on pretty much every top team Not to say that we don't like the international kids. We do, but we want to give.

Speaker 2:

We want some all American awards.

Speaker 1:

The flowers to the Americans because they deserve them.

Speaker 2:

The American children that grew up in the club system of the United States deserve some recognition of the United States deserve some recognition, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to go through. Each of us has a couple. Let's just go down the line here. We're going to let Chad start, because we don't know what Chad has in store, so he's going to be a surprise to kick us off. Who is your first?

Speaker 2:

All-American Boy.

Speaker 3:

From my MIVA champions.

Speaker 2:

Mr Parker.

Speaker 3:

Opposite of the year Coming in hot. I don't know We'll see Today.

Speaker 2:

Yes, who else is up for opposite of the year Doesn't matter.

Speaker 3:

Nobody, not American.

Speaker 1:

Well, I will put in next oh, dang it. Mine is also an opposite.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That is an all-American. Yeah, this guy my is also an opposite. Really, that is an all-American. Yeah, this guy's good Jalen Phillips is CSUN. Yeah, of course it is he knew I was going to throw a CSUN boy in there. Jalen's been killing it. He's already. I believe he won the first week of the ABCA Player of the Week Award, so he is eligible to be player of the year. And he's on CSUN.

Speaker 2:

And he to be on season, so and he's on season and he hits over the top of almost every block he faces

Speaker 1:

every american I haven't seen I have not seen him try and swing over the top of nikolov or heno.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay um, my first american award is gonna go to the america award kioni kioni thin, I like that yeah sure, I love an undersized he's efficient, he's efficient and undersized. Undersized mustache yeah yeah, he's just like a baller, yeah, so yeah, kioni's my american. I like that number three. Chad back to you for your second Tony's my American.

Speaker 1:

I like that Number three.

Speaker 3:

Chad back to you for your second oh man, I thought I was only going to have to have one. Joke's on you, I do, if I can steal, flexin.

Speaker 1:

You may steal it Also.

Speaker 3:

all opposites were going on. To be fair, yeah, on the right, but it's just going over the top of people and yeah, I mean big transition from him from the left last year and he's just kind of having his way right now. It's pretty impressive because they are. I mean, he's just launching balls these are just moon balls and he's just like I will wait and take 17 steps in my approach and just hit over the top.

Speaker 2:

He's also a father now.

Speaker 3:

He's a dad yeah.

Speaker 2:

And he can have his baby on a bench too.

Speaker 3:

If you didn't watch episode five, we talk about babies and benches. Chad will lay it out for you. We got to go back and watch that other one, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Who's your setter?

Speaker 2:

My setter is Andrew Rowan.

Speaker 1:

For All-American Andrew Rowan. Yeah, all right, I'll follow it up.

Speaker 2:

My setter will be Tread I do think as better as more than Andrew Rowan.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that yet. I think thus far in the season, tread has had more of a test than UCLA has had. So, rowan, they lost Ohio State.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but this episode is BYU, if this episode is, if this episode is airing in in two weeks from now, but just thus far, thus far I think tread has had a very impressive season, I think specifically in the byu matches back down uh, the back down from area four is sick.

Speaker 1:

And then he had a huge couple huge blocks. He went back, he got the uh, he had a big ace to get him back up to match point only block for block of the year, though in that game, block of the year. Yeah, yeah, spiking the spike.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've never seen anything like that actually. Two plays in that game where the Keone block and then the tread back down, but I've never seen anything like either of those plays.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they were very good. But, yeah, I think that would be my other setter there. And then do we have any?

Speaker 2:

other honorable mentions. Any other notable honorable mention? Americans Honorably discharged.

Speaker 1:

Americans, that's not what that is no.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that's what that means. Nope.

Speaker 1:

Nope, and on that note, we're going to move along. No, we have to. Who's the top American team If you look at full roster?

Speaker 2:

Full roster. Full roster.

Speaker 1:

Full roster.

Speaker 2:

Of Americans. You have to eliminate all of the international kids.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly, you have to replace the international player.

Speaker 2:

Who wins With?

Speaker 1:

an American. Which team has the best American roster? Great question, you're welcome.

Speaker 3:

USC Stanford, Stanford question you're welcome usc stanford.

Speaker 1:

Gotta throw ucla in there. I mean you gotta think some of these kids on the bench are pretty good, though exactly you eliminate edo and then you replace that with someone else and for ucla, ucla's ucla's got the same roster yeah, ucla's gotta have it david decker, that's what I'm saying sorry, that's number 9, 19, pretty sure he's lefty I'm pretty sure I don't think he's lefty.

Speaker 3:

He may or may not be, but 11 kills, 6 errors on 23 for 238. There you go the other night. So if you didn't watch episode 5,.

Speaker 1:

We covered his stats.

Speaker 3:

We still don't know if he's lefty. He's definitely there, he's definitely number 19.

Speaker 1:

And his parents love alliteration David.

Speaker 2:

Deckard double D. Thanks Matt. Thank you Matt. Ucla for sure I'd say Long Beach is not as good without oh well, they're done. Ucla for sure Irvine's got to drop off there without the international.

Speaker 3:

If you lose Heno.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's still a really good team, then you're losing your Australian kid.

Speaker 1:

The Australian kid doesn't play, he's like the next guy up.

Speaker 2:

Who's the other guy? Who's the second outside? He's from New Jersey, number six.

Speaker 1:

What's his stat line? Chad?

Speaker 3:

I don't know Don't what's his stat line. Chad, I don't know Uh don't get yelled at by Heno. If he doesn't hit it hard enough, that's about it.

Speaker 2:

Uh, okay, who's next? Uh.

Speaker 1:

I do think Stanford is the only time I can think of that. Doesn't have an international kid right now on the on the Does USC have an international kid? Yeah, they got Guy.

Speaker 2:

Guinness Guy.

Speaker 1:

Guinness is Israeli. I'm not sure about if they have anyone else.

Speaker 2:

Okay they're close Uh.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Loyola's got the Chuck Sure Check outside.

Speaker 1:

Hawaii. Honestly, if you removed all the foreigners from Hawaii's starting lineup, I still think they still probably. You replace it with Finn Kearney. You replace it with Kainoa. You still have a pretty darn good roster there of just Americans.

Speaker 2:

Interesting. Hey, I'm all for the international.

Speaker 1:

Agreed, but to give our shouts to the American boys.

Speaker 2:

It's a fun game to play. It's a fun game.

Speaker 1:

Just flirting with it. We're just having fun. What is happening?

Speaker 2:

We're just having fun. What's next? Next up is We've had a number of rule changes.

Speaker 1:

We've discussed a lot of rule changes this year. Oh, rule changes, high schools, they're feeling left out.

Speaker 3:

They want to make some rule changes.

Speaker 1:

They're like usa volatiles changing rules for babies thank god we've got uh, we've got matt preaching for foul out on service rules. We've got all sorts of things. So let's change some rules in high school chad. Can you lay the context for this role please?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is the whatever, the NFHS right, the governing body for high school rules.

Speaker 2:

The National Federation of high schools high school sports. Yeah, I would check out. Exactly correct, I was gonna come up with something funnier.

Speaker 3:

Oh sorry, that's all good, it's fine, we can cut this part, but yeah, I believe it's either this fall or next fall. They're changing the rules. No double contact to kind of meet the game where it already is collegially is it this fall or is it next fall? That's a great question for our producer to look up, bobby. But anyway coming to a high school gym near you probably.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, it's going to take them a year anyway to figure it out, hey referees stop it.

Speaker 3:

That's about it. And then I think the other thing for high school is it was you know how we play with. It's like the super panel-y it can't have ridges or whatever. They were getting rid of that rule. I didn't know that was even a rule wait what? What the ball?

Speaker 2:

the ball is literally a tachycara uh no, we like, we, we use like spalding stuff.

Speaker 3:

Sure yeah, big old tf 5000 kind of exactly uh, but now, because nobody else uses that. Yes, they're like hey, you, you can use now, if you want Moulton Mikasa, whatever right.

Speaker 2:

So each league is going to determine what ball it is.

Speaker 3:

I mean probably.

Speaker 2:

Or each school is going to determine.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I mean if you look at like how, but you get it down to the states.

Speaker 1:

It's a state issue now, is it? It's like abortion.

Speaker 3:

Give it to the states, yeah, yeah no, it's not like abortion, but thank you they're close, obviously, but not quite the same, um, but yeah, I mean, you know the same way, like hey, I go play nebraska, like I use an adidas ball, like yeah, and every coach wants to kill the other coach based off of the ball that they yeah because we went to minnesota or mary, I don't know where it was all of a sudden.

Speaker 2:

It's the nike ball and you're like wait the nike state is using the nike ball illinois.

Speaker 3:

No problem, we train with the nike ball. Didn't like it, but we had it, we had it. But it was also like hey, is it bodden baden, whatever? It was like what's this one school with this one ball? Like how did they sign this contract? This is so random, but anyway. So change of there's molding.

Speaker 1:

I'd love that rule number one like just remove as many judgment calls as possible, but also high school refs prided themselves on. It was like going to a CBVA B tournament where anything that spun even slightly they're just blow the whistle and the rally.

Speaker 3:

You know why that is, though? Right, because they get paid per call.

Speaker 1:

Every time they blow the whistle, that's $2.

Speaker 3:

There you go, good incentive, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Swallow the whistle on those, just let the boys play. I remember when we used to play with the high school tachi car or whatever it was, but it was all white, and so then there was way less doubles because they couldn't really see because, they all had glasses. You know, like is it spinning, is it not spinning? But now, when you've got the, the multi-colored ball, you can actually tell the, tell the chuck when you uh, when you're actually sending a bad set out there. I like that. I like that adjustment. Perfect from my skills.

Speaker 2:

It's good, I was I was actually like back and forth on the double call thing until I saw it. I was at the final four. I watched Izzy Stark double a ball, but like athletically double a ball, and I was like, oh shit, this is actually like. This is great. Like that was, that was the best double I've ever seen Like super athletic and like transitioning to the net and just like just trying to take it like here and.

Speaker 2:

I was like that's clean, clean and like it's not clean, but it shouldn't be called, and yeah, it was good those are.

Speaker 1:

Those are good additions, okay, cool, all for the tv friendliness we're thinking about maybe adding some high school chatter in here we are yeah, maybe I already do high school rankings for Northern California, for Dimes, for boys volleyball. Yeah, so Dimes does the top 20 high school teams.

Speaker 2:

So we might just shoot the shit a little bit about it on here.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I'm ready to pop my head into a couple high school tournaments. Just see what's up. See what's up See how the high school game is evolving and developing. We'll take it from there. The boys deserve to have some buzz. Let's give them some buzz.

Speaker 3:

Harker to the moon.

Speaker 2:

Let's go Mason, Always Harker. You're a Harker homer.

Speaker 1:

Harker homer for sure.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a homer for any high school in the Bay Area.

Speaker 1:

I'm a St Francis grad, so I'm a St Francis homer. I'm not. No, I'm not. I'm a St Francis fan, though I'm happy to see him succeed. Go Lancers. But I also am a fan of Bellarmine, because we got friends of Bellarmine. So, hey, go Bellarmine. Lots of things that could happen.

Speaker 2:

I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I'm not for grabs for hire. You're a gun for hire.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, money talks want me to be a fan? Put a t-shirt on, pay me money. I will hoot and holler. No, I won't.

Speaker 1:

I have a. I have news that I would like to break on the pod. Can I break some news?

Speaker 3:

Speaking of our news was intact before, so yeah, if you could break it, that'd be ideal, thanks, I will certainly do that for you.

Speaker 1:

Uh, no, nor cal cup tournament this year what the news has been broken.

Speaker 3:

You're welcome yeah, what do you? What are you gonna do? All spring exactly.

Speaker 1:

I know I'm just gonna have to. I'm coaching a 12 team. Actually I took a 12 student, cool take it over for bj. Um, yeah, no, nor cal cup. This is coaching high school. We did not get rid of. I took a 12-seam. I'm taking it over for BJ, yeah no, norcal Cup this year.

Speaker 2:

Bj's coaching high school. We did not get rid of BJ Go Bills. No, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I'm merely a placeholder until King BJ returns. Yeah, I got the final rundown from the convention center Finally. We are in February and I've been trying since May of last year to get our contract for convention center for this year.

Speaker 2:

It's just the city. The city just won't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it's been a very educational experience. I will say that, just understanding how these large event spaces operate, what drives them, what makes, what makes them tick, uh, and the number one things, at least for San Jose, is hotel rooms. Uh, our last year event, we got moved into the halls because they didn't have anything, and so they just moved us because they would prefer not to deal with the South hall. So we got lucky, um, but we have no hotels cause everything, because they would prefer not to deal with the South Hall. So we got lucky, but we have no hotels because everything was local.

Speaker 2:

So it was all very. No, they didn't give it to us early enough then either, and we can't get out of town if you don't give it to us early.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but their biggest driver is the hotel rooms, and so they can't book out in advance or won't book out in advance without a guarantee of hotel rooms.

Speaker 1:

So it's a chicken and egg situation for event organizers where if I want to get this tournament on the books a year in advance so I can actually go out and advertise the teams and try and get teams from out of state, I need to be able to get it booked early. They don't want to give it to us early because they're not sure the hotel rooms are going to be there, so they try and hold off and hold off, and hold off until you know, now it's we're literally three and a half months from when the event would be and they're like all right, you can have these dates. And now no one, not even the local teams, want to go, because they've already committed to another local event.

Speaker 1:

So it's a very interesting dichotomy, and the balance that I'm now trying to figure out with them is do you play the game of guaranteeing hotels to them Just up front, saying what is the guarantee that you need? Okay, that's what I'm going to hit, but I need to sign this now and you need to sign this now so that I can go out and bring this event, which we know will be a quality event, to the volleyball market and say, hey, this date we're doing this plan accordingly. So that's the game that I'm currently now playing and got to learn this year, and learned the hard way of In year two of trying to run it back. The biggest thing holding the event back from being at the next level is how much room nights you're bringing, because that's what makes them money, that's what makes them the. You know they have to hit their quotas for the city. So that is why no NorCal Cup.

Speaker 1:

We're on the topic of what will actually be taking place still is going to the Bay Area high school all-star game and some of the things that we got to run it last year during NorCal Cup, which I thought was awesome. It was great. But now, after running it during the event, where it was difficult for players to play a full day of club volleyball and then come and do the event I want to maneuver it into its own day, its own, its own thing in its own venue. Where would be the coolest place that we could host the barrier all-starStar Game? Think outside the box. Here We've done it at Willow Glen High School in like a traditional high school gym setting, which is fun.

Speaker 2:

Stanford would be one.

Speaker 1:

Like Burnham yeah.

Speaker 2:

Or Maples, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Could I set up sport court in the middle of downtown San Jose somewhere, or something like Nebraska in the football field, but like, do it somewhere unique.

Speaker 3:

Teraflex on the tarmac.

Speaker 2:

It'll be called Teraflex, on the tarmac too, for sure.

Speaker 1:

We could get Teraflex probably sponsor that Private terminal at San Jose the.

Speaker 2:

Teraflex on the tarmac terminal.

Speaker 1:

Brought to you by the cockpit All on into the Southwest engines.

Speaker 2:

I mean the outdoor space and that stuff, the setup for that, and that's going to be an activation That'll be expensive.

Speaker 1:

So like so probably just the best college gym we can get Probably just like the best space that we can. Anything you guys think should be added.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, paypal Park Done.

Speaker 2:

PayPal Park would be so much fun. It's going to be hard at that time.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's true. We also are also running two days of Grassman this summer. Put it in the middle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sixes and fours, we're choosing one.

Speaker 1:

Should we run the All-Star game?

Speaker 3:

at the Grassman yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, just one. One day is four. One day is four.

Speaker 1:

One day is six, one day.

Speaker 2:

We will do one day and we will do fours, and that's it.

Speaker 1:

It was like a. It was an overwhelming amount of people that voted for two days. It was 80%, wow, 80% of the people.

Speaker 2:

Little did they know? An overwhelming amount of people do not drink like we do.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's true.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember.

Speaker 1:

All-star game in the middle of the grass man. Chad played in the original grass man. So the original idea of the grass man, the reason I called it the grass man, was Are you telling me like I don't know? The reason why.

Speaker 1:

I was there I grass man was because it was supposed to be the iron man of grass volleyball tournament. Grassman started as three events supposed to be doubles, triples, quads and then the individual who won the most points. So if you won the doubles and won the triples and then it got second in the quads, you would be crowned the grass man, the overall champion, the iron man, the burning man of grass volleyball. So yeah, we're getting back to our roots. Chad was there. Chad won literally every division of the original grass man.

Speaker 3:

He is the original grass man no, I mean technically, jones won too, because we didn't we didn't play in the doubles on friday or whatever. Yeah, so we had no points from that. We won the triples me me Jones and Malibu Stew, and then we won the quads me Jones and Bobby.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Bobby, you're on that.

Speaker 3:

I played triples with the Lodgy and Javi. That was where.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

We were supposed to pick up Fred Stahl, or maybe Malibu was supposed to come back or something, yeah, and it was like the day before, or I thought we picked you up like no, it was. No, it was another girl, it was john's friend, oh yeah. Oh yeah, I know who you're talking about. So yeah, then we.

Speaker 1:

So we won the quads with three yeah, you guys beat like doug and connor dom and the finals and yeah, all these, all these hacks that ended up at uc irvine yeah, yep lacy just cited out on the right.

Speaker 3:

No, what are you talking about? Yeah, you scored. I remember, I remember watching that yeah you were. You were. The bailout on the right jones was like running like front ones and stuff.

Speaker 1:

I don't know you guys killed it, but yeah, we're back to our roots.

Speaker 3:

Multiple events we'll actually crown a an overall champ, yeah just to set the record straight, I've been banned from this event for winning too many times, so, so that's why you won't see me.

Speaker 1:

You banned yourself. What are you talking about? Yeah, because I hurt you. Self-banned yourself.

Speaker 3:

I just want to give the kids a chance to win it. That's really all it is.

Speaker 1:

He's looking for an excuse to be able to drink more beers on the sideline, not going to drink themselves. That's what the event calendar looks like for me now. No more norco cup. We're running the all-star game. We're running two days of grass man. What else can we add? You got any? Got any plans? Anything you'd like to see?

Speaker 3:

you guys coming to poland or what's going on?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I'm trying to go to japan. I'm trying to go to. I got lots of things on my list but none of them have to do with running more events let's just manifest this right now.

Speaker 1:

We're just going to talk, we're talking to the camera. This is just going out there for episode. Whatever this is, we are, we're going to be at an international V&L event this summer and we're not counting Chicago V&L Like that's easy.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not, because it's two days before nationals and we're definitely going to have a hard time getting there.

Speaker 1:

Perfect, we're not counting that anyways, so it's gonna be an international one japan, poland, give me, uh, what's it, is it?

Speaker 2:

are they going back to? Are they going back to japan?

Speaker 1:

no, they're going back to. Uh, where's the? Where's the place that taylor airville loves, that has the jolly bee chicken or whatever is that? Oh, philippines. And then the philippines. There you go. Yeah, they could go to the philippines let's go see cousin james, james, I think I bet you james watches this. James, if you watch this podcast send me a message send me a message on whatsapp and tell me that you saw this. Should we come visit you and the philippines and watch vnl beta bay offsite yeah, coach group chat retreat.

Speaker 3:

I like it done easy we're doing it anyway.

Speaker 2:

Life update Non-volleyball related.

Speaker 1:

Chad sulks into a corner.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I have an update it was Bobby's birthday. Oh it was, it was your birthday. We had a fun birthday, yeah.

Speaker 3:

All of our closest friends and their parents, and a cake made out of wood.

Speaker 2:

We took a tequila shot in the parking lot. It was wonderful we actually could have tailgated outside that day.

Speaker 3:

It really wasn't that bad.

Speaker 1:

We had a crew at.

Speaker 2:

We had a crew at Dutch Goose. Dutch Goose was popping. Yeah, it was so much fun. Happy birthday.

Speaker 3:

Happy birthday.

Speaker 2:

Happy birthday. I started shrinking. Yes, it's the best I know, so good.

Speaker 3:

Season two, crushing it.

Speaker 2:

Really, I started it and I had started it before, but I like didn't watch it, like I wasn't paying attention at all, and so I only got through like 20 minutes maybe of the first, like first, and that was it. And like I turned it off first season, like first episode. And then so I started it because you guys spoke so highly of it, and I started it and I was like, oh my gosh, this is the moment that you like realize that you're watching a good show and you like wish you could start it over and I'm like I get to do this. And then I watched the first episode and I was like this is great. And then I watched the second episode and I was like I'm gonna start watching shrinking instead of going to therapy. So this is really great and like wonderful, and I am so excited about it, phenomenal yeah, yeah, I wish I could go back and re-watch.

Speaker 2:

That's what I knew you were going to say when I said this we're going to go home tonight and we're going to put it on. Yeah, I'm very, very happy about it.